Thursday 24 March 2011

The Power Of Keywords

Over the last day or two The Middle Man's website has been attracting considerably more hits than it had done hitherto.

Our analytics reveal that a significant proportion of these were arriving through Google searches on a particular keyword - business middleman.

This is not a keyword that we have actively cultivated nor even, to be honest, actually recognised. It would simply appear that, for whatever reason, we have been catapulted towards the front of Google's rankings for this specific keyword and that it is one that is extremely popular.

Having been gifted this information we will now promote it vigorously alongside our other keywords in order to extract the maximum benefit from it.

This little anecdote serves to demonstrate the importance of keywords. Our own site has benefited from something like a 25% increase in traffic as a consequence of using one individual keyword, albeit in this instance inadvertently.

If your site is not paying attention to keywords you will not have been exploiting its true potential to drive traffic and generate custom.

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